Friday, 25 November 2011

Bit of a lift..

"Now there are no priests or philosophers left, artists are the most important people in the world" - Gerhard Richter.

Fashion Project

At college we are doing a Fashion project which I am enjoying because we get to experiment with lots of fashion illustration and develop our own style. In this project we have been put in groups and given a recyclable item (mine is cutlery) to use to create a collection of fashion items.
Here is mine and Emma-Jane's prezi which shows our initial thoughts and ideas for this project.
Will be posting my fashion illustrations and life drawings soon. :)

Saturday, 19 November 2011

GCSE final pieces.

Just got all my GCSE art coursework back, here are my final pieces from each project.

Natural forms, 1st project, year 10.

Pop art, 2nd project, year 10.

Natural forms, 3rd project, year 11.

Pop art, 4th project, year 11.

Similarities&differences, exam piece, year 11.