So I've just finished the fashion project 'An Object Worth Desiring' for college and thought I should upload some of my work (I will upload some more once my book has been marked and I have it back to scan images), so here it is...
One of my skirt designs. |
Another skirt design. |
Visual response to Miles Donovan. |
Another visual response to Miles Donovan. |
My finished garment. |
To make my garment I first made the structure out of plastic knives to go around the waistband, I intersected them and joined them with a hot glue gun. After this I printed out cheap looking diner menus and cut out cutlery shapes from them, I also used 2 of the whole menus with the cutlery cut out to produce an inverse effect. I then photocopied these onto heat transfer paper and ironed this onto the skirt. After this I burnt and melted the plastic forks and spoons and stitched them onto the skirt, completing my garment.